This is a 5 day Heavy Metal Detox obtained through juicing.
Hi! Rachel here!
Part of what drove me to the kitchen to make a protein bar was my passion for holistic health. I don't ever speak to it, but before starting Rawr, I had a side gig outside my finance career, of personal training and I was a holistic nutritionist.
I am VERY deliberate about what I consume & put into my body. What I eat should not just be delicious, but nourishing and life giving.
I created this detox after extensive research about what will help rid your body of heavy metals and give your digestive system a little rest.
I did this detox myself and went from looking a little puffy after the holidays to my usual abs. I felt AMAZING after - more energized, lighter and clean. I hope you enjoy it!
About this Detox:
Grocery List
6 Detox juice recipes
Rid your body of heavy metals, toxins & excess weight
Extensive list of benefits for each herb, fruit & veggie included in detox
*I am not a medical doctor and I am not giving medical advice. If you have an underlying condition, please consult with your dr. before detoxing.